Fact Sheet Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet

Japan – Country Note


Official Name

Japan (Nihon or Nippon in Japanese which means ‘Origin of Sun’).




3,77,727 sq. KM.

(Source: MLIT, Japan)


Predominantly temperate, it is marked by four distinct seasons with pronounced differences in the North and the South. Northern Japan has long and harsh winters and relatively cool summers. Central Japan has cold short winters and cool humid summers.


123.89 million (As of June 1 2024)

(Source: Statistics Bureau of Japan)

Forest Cover (% of total area)


CO2 Emissions

1.085 billion tonnes

(Source: Ministry of Environment, Japan)

Tourist Arrivals

25 million (2023)

(Source: Japan National Tourism Statistics)

Age Profile

The population under 15 years old is 11.3 percent of the total population.

The population aged 15 to 64 is 59.5 percent of the total population.

The population aged 65 years old and over is 29.3 percent of the total population.

(as on 01 June 2024)

(Source: Statistics Bureau of Japan)

Life Expectancy

Male – 81.05; Female – 87.09 years

(Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan)



Ethnic Groups

  • 97.9% Japanese

  • 0.6% Chinese

  • 0.4% Korean

  • 1.1% Others

Main Religions

Shintoism (69.0%), Buddhism (66.7%), Christianity (1.5%), Others (6.2%)

Internet Penetration


Smart Phone Penetration






Japanese Yen, JPY

Exchange rate with US $ & Rupee

USD/JPY: 159.84

INR/JPY: 1.91

(June 2024)


Real: 558.60 trillion JPY (FY 2022-23)

Nominal: 596.51 trillion JPY (FY 2022-23)

(Source: SNA (National Accounts of Japan))

GDP Per Capita

USD 33,140 (2024)

Source: IMF

GDP Growth Rate

Real: 1.17%

Nominal: 5.24%

Major Sectors (% of GDP)

Agriculture: 1.2

Industry: 27.5

Services: 71.4

Unemployment Rate (%)

2.8% (May 2024)

Inflation (%)

3.1% (2023)

Total Trade (Goods)

JPY 211.07 trillion (CY 2023)

Exports (Goods)

JPY 100.874 trillion (CY 2023)

(Source: Customs Office, Japan)

Imports (Goods)

JPY 110.196 trillion (CY 2023)

(Source: Customs Office, Japan)

Balance of Trade (Goods)

JPY 9.322 trillion (CY 2023)

Major Trading Partners (Total Trade)

China, USA, EU


Political Structure

Japan is a constitutional monarchy. The Emperor is the symbol of State and of the unity of people. He performs his constitutional duties on the advice and with the approval of the Cabinet. Japan follows parliamentary democracy with separation of legislative, executive and judicial branches. The term of the government is four years. It may be terminated earlier if the Cabinet dissolves the House of Representatives. The Cabinet headed by Prime Minister is responsible to the Parliament (Diet) consisting of the House of Representatives (Lower House – 465 seats) and the House of Councilors (Upper House – 248 seats). Voting is by universal adult suffrage (18 years old and above).

Head of State (Emperor)

His Majesty the Emperor NARUHITO

Head of Government (Prime Minister)

H.E. Mr. KISHIDA Fumio

Minister for Foreign Affairs



Bilateral Trade

USD 22.854 billion (FY 2023-24)

Indian Exports

USD 5.156 billion (FY 2023-24)

(Source: Department of Commerce, India)

Indian Imports

USD 17.698 billion (FY 2023-24)

(Source: Department of Commerce, India)

Major Items of Export and Import

India’s primary exports to Japan have been petroleum products, chemicals, elements, compounds, non-metallic mineral ware, fish & fish preparations, metallic ferrous ores & scrap, clothing & accessories, iron & steel products, textile yarn, fabrics and machinery.

India’s primary imports from Japan are machinery, electrical machinery, iron and steel products, plastic materials, non-ferrous metals, parts of motor vehicles, organic chemicals and manufactured metals.

Country’s Investments in India

USD 3.177 billion (FY 2023-24)

(Source: DPIIT, India)

Indian Origin/PR s/Indian Students

PIOs: 1324

Students: 1,851

Indian diaspora


Indian Organizations

Banks: 2

PSUs: 2

Government Organizations: 2

Indian Associations registered with Embassy of India, Tokyo: 45

Indian Associations registered with CGI, Osaka: 9

June 2024
