What`s New Launch of Global Housing Technology Challenge- India by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Government of India

Launch of Global Housing Technology Challenge- India by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Government of India

インド大使館/ Embassy of India

東京/ Tokyo


India’s urban population is expected to reach 40 % by 2030, contributing to 75% of India’s Gross Domestic product (GDP) due to rapid urbanization. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Government of India has been implementing Pradhan MantriAwasYojana (Urban) Mission for providing houses to all eligible urban beneficiaries by the year 2022.

In this context, MoHUA has conceptualized to conduct “Global Housing Technology Challenge- India (GHTC-India)” (Details at: https://smartnet.niua.org/content/11dc220f-6421-4184-94a1-17604e0af7c1externalicon ) to enable the paradigm shift in the construction sector. The challenge shall have three components viz. i) Conduct of Grand Expo-cum-Conference, ii) Identifying Proven Demonstrable Technologies from across the world and iii) Promoting Potential Technologies through the establishment of Affordable Sustainable Housing Accelerators-India (ASHA-India) for incubation support.

GHTC-India was launched on 14th January, 2019 (Press Release: http://pib.nic.in/newsite/PrintRelease.aspx?relid=187470 externalicon) and followed by several events to enlist States and Technology Providers in the challenge. MoHUA will also organize a Grand Expo-cum-Conference on GHTC- India in VigyanBhawan, New Delhi and premises around it on 01-02 March, 2019.



これに関連して、MoHUAは国内建設産業にパラダイムシフトをもたらすため、”Global Technology Challenge-India”(GHTC-India)構想への取り組みを開始しています。GHTC-India構想は次の3つの要素で構成されています。最初の要素はGHTC構想を促進する大規模展示会兼国際会議、GHTC-Indiaグランドエキスポの開催です。2番目は、世界中で導入・確立されている建築技術の特定、3番目は将来性のある技術の発展を支援し、持続的かつ適正価格での住宅供給を促進する”Affordable Sustainable Housing Accelerators-India”(ASHA-India)の設立です。

GHTC-India構想は2019年1月14日に発表され(プレスリリース: http://pib.nic.in/newsite/PrintRelease.aspx?relid=187470 externalicon )、州や建築技術提供者に構想への参加を呼び掛けるイベントも行われました。MoHUAは、2019年3月1日と2日にニューデリーのヴィギャン・バワン国際会議場とその周辺においてGHTC-Indiaグランドエキスポを開催予定です。
