What`s New India Seminar On Technical Intern Training Programme (TITP), 28 September 2018, Nagoya

India Seminar On Technical Intern Training Programme (TITP), 28 September 2018, Nagoya

Announcement of India Seminar

On Technical Intern Training Programme (TITP)

Embassy of India along with Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) and National Skill Developing Corporation (NSDC) is organizing the second India Seminar on TITP with the support of JITCO and other organizations on 28th September 2018 in Nagoya from 1000 hrs to 1330 hrs. The objective of the Seminar is to promote the potential of India under TITP and also to introduce the 23 accredited Indian Sending Organizations (SO) to Japan.

2. Skill development is an important field of bilateral cooperation between India and Japan. In October 2017, India and Japan signed the MOC on TITP. Subsequently, NSDC (the implementing agency for TITP in India) and JITCO concluded a revised Record of Discussion with NSDC in February 2018, and the Government of India accredited 23 Indian Sending Organizations to operate and dispatch technical interns to Japan. Many of these SOs have begun to establish business relationships with Japanese Supervising Organizations whereas some have already succeeded in dispatching technical interns. In a historic development, the first batch of Indian interns arrived in Japan in July 2018. The seminar provides excellent opportunity for Japanese Supervising Organizations and Implementing Organizations to interact with their Indian Counterparts.

笆Time & Date : 28th September, 2018 (Fri) 10:00 ~13:30

笆Venue : TKP Garden City Premium Nagoya Shinkansen exit

〒 453 - 0015 Aichi - ken, Nagoya - sh?, nakamura - ku, Tsubakichō, 1 − 16 Imon Nagoyabiru. Banquet Hall 3A 3F. TEL:052-459-3116

笆Program (Tentative) : 0930hrs - Registration

100hrs - 1130hrs: Remarks from H.E. Mr. Sujan R. Chinoy, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of India to Japan, MSDE/NSDC Officials, and Senior Representative of JITCO & Aichi Government (TBC). NSDC will introduce Sending Organization on India side and update on preparation to dispatch trainees under the Technical Intern Training Program

1130hrs - 1330hrs: (Banquet Hall 2A 2F) Networking/Business Matching between the accredited sending organizations on Indian side and the supervising & implementing organizations on the Japanese side

笆Participation fee : Free

笆Application method: Application by e-mail or fax to Embassy of India with application sheet PDF

笆Inquiry : Embassy of India (Person in charge: Ms. Himani Suzuki, Economic &

Commercial wing) <Tel> 03-3262-2392/97 (Ext.315) <Fax> 03-3262-0560 <Email>mktexecutive.tokyo@mea.gov.in