What`s New Press Release on “Make in India” Outreach in Japan (25-29 June 2018)

Press Release on “Make in India” Outreach in Japan (25-29 June 2018)

Embassy of India


Press Release on “Make in India” Outreach in Japan (25-29 June 2018)

A nine member delegation led by Additional Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Shailendra Singh visited Japan during the week of 25-29 June 2018 for “Make in India” Outreach in Osaka, Nagoya and Tokyo.  The delegation included Additional Secretary of Ministry of Food Processing Industries, MD & CEO of Invest India and officials from CII and Invest India.  During the outreach, the delegation met with over 50 Japanese companies in face-to-face interactions, answering to their queries and giving them confidence with regard to their future investment plans in India.  Invest India team established itself as the single window investment facilitation partner to these interested Japanese companies. Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) along with Embassy of India in Tokyo and Consulate in Osaka provided complete support for the successful conduct of the outreach.  The seminars organized in Tokyo and Osaka during this week, were attended by over 200 Japanese companies.  An MoU was signed between Invest India and Japan Innovation Network to develop a partnership in the area of innovation and startups. 

Currently there are nearly 1400 Japanese companies present in India with close to 5000 branch offices.  Japan is the single largest investor country for India.  Such focused and professional outreach as was done this week, would surely increase the flow of investments both in quantity as well as result in expeditious decision making by the prospective investors from Japan.



30 June 2018