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Dhai Akhar” - Letter Writing Campaign for Indian Diaspora on the Topic “Letter to my Motherland” organized by Department of Posts, Government of India

Department of Posts is organising a letter writing campaign at international level engaging the Indian diaspora.  The campaign is titled Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Campaign.   The theme of the campaignwill be 'Letter to my motherland'/ ‘???? ??? ?? ??? ??’ ' inspired byRabindranath Tagore’s “Amar Desher Mati”. The campaign will have two categories viz. upto 18 years and above 18 yearsof age.  The letter is to be handwritten on plain A-4 size paper with a word limit not exceeding 1000 words.   The entries are to be sent to Assistant Director General (Philately), Department of Posts, Room No. 108, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001.  The entries will be accepted from 01.07.2018 till 30.09.2018.  Please ensure compulsorily that a hard copy of the letter bearing dispatch postmark of not later than 30.09.2018 be sent by post.  Your letter should also contain your full contact details including e-mail ID. All non-resident Indians (NRIs) and persons of Indian origin(PIOs) living outside India can participate in the International Level Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Campaign. 

All the letters received from the Indian diaspora residing in other countries will be evaluated by constituting Committees at the Postal Directorate level. The top three letters in each category will be awarded prizes in the following way:

Prize to be given to top three Letters in each category at International Level:

Prize Category

Prize Amount

First Prize in each Category

Rs. 50,000/- (Rs. Fifty thousand only)

Second Prize in each Category

Rs. 25,000 (Rs. Twenty Five thousand only)

Third Prize in each Category

Rs. 10,000 (Rs. Ten thousand only)


Details of the Campaign prepared by Department of Posts is attached PDF. Please visit www.indiapost.gov.in for further details.

Please disseminate the information among the members of Indian diaspora in contact with you so that maximum numbers of interested Indians can participate in the Campaign.