What`s New India Joins the Wassenaar Arrangement

India Joins the Wassenaar Arrangement

December 08, 2017

India has joined the Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) on 8 December 2017 following the completion of internal procedures for joining the Arrangement. 

The Plenary meeting of the WA held on 6-7 December 2017 decided to admit India, which will become the Arrangement's 42nd Participating State.

India would like to thank each of the forty-one WA Participating States for their support for India’s membership. We would also like to thank Ambassador Jean Louis Falconi of France, 2017 Plenary Chair of the WA for his role in facilitating India’s accession to the Arrangement. India also notes the valuable contribution of Japan and France as co-rapporteurs, and Ambassador Philip Griffiths, Head of WA Secretariat, for their guidance during the preparatory process. 

India’s entry into the Arrangement would be mutually beneficial and further contribute to international security and non-proliferation objectives.

New Delhi
December 8, 2017