What`s New Press Release: MOU on the establishment of the ICCR Chair of India Studies in Reitaku University (20 May,2016)

Press Release: MOU on the establishment of the ICCR Chair of India Studies in Reitaku University (20 May,2016)

MOU on the establishment of the ICCR Chair of India Studies in Reitaku University

Ambassador of India to Japan Shri. Sujan R. Chinoy signed an MoU today on behalf of the Indian Council of Cultural Relations with Mr. Osamu Nakayama, President of Reitaku University on the establishment of the ICCR Chair of Indian Studies. The appointment to the Chair will be for a period of one academic year and the academic field of study will be Indian Economy or India-Japan relations. Reitaku University is a private university in Chiba Prefecture which since its foundation in 1959, has provided students with quality education in the liberal arts with a focus on high moral education.