Press release Press Release on Seminar “Opportunities for SME at IETF 2025” 17 June 2024

Press Release on Seminar “Opportunities for SME at IETF 2025” 17 June 2024

Embassy of India Tokyo


Press Release

A seminar was held at  Embassy of  India, Tokyo on  17 June  2024 to highlight the International Engineering & Technology Fair (IETF 2025), to be held in India between 20-22 February 2025. The seminar was held in co-operation with CII and JETRO and served as a platform to discuss the focus on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) at the upcoming fair. The event brought together distinguished speakers from both India and Japan and saw enthusiastic  participation  from  more than 200 representatives of Japanese companies.

The opening address was delivered by H.E Sibi  George, Ambassador of India in Japan. Mr. B. Thiagarajan, Chairman of IETF 2025 and Managing Director of Blue Star Limited, India  who  was visiting Japan to promote IETF 2025 addressed the gathering and highlighted the vast opportunities the fair presents for SMEs. Presentations were also delivered by Mr. Taki Osamu, Director-General of the Overseas Business Development Department at JETRO ,Mr. Joshua Immanuel Mahesh Kumar, General Manager at  the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Mr. Ryoji Miyauchi, Director of the Japan Expo Foundation. An address was also made by Ms. Keiko Kimura, Chairman of the Japan Expo Foundation highlighting the experience of organizing such major events in India.

The seminar ended with a networking session  providing  a valuable opportunity for attendees to discuss potential collaborations and exchange ideas

The seminar on “Opportunities for SME at IETF 2025” successfully set the stage for future engagements and highlighted the pivotal role SMEs will play in deepening the India Japan economic partnership. The insights provided by the speakers offered a promising outlook for SMEs looking to expand to India through this international event.
