Odisha State: Investment Promotion Seminar, 30th October 2017, Embassy of India, Tokyo Odisha State: Investment Promotion Seminar, 30th October 2017, Embassy of India, Tokyo

Odisha State: Investment Promotion Seminar, 30th October 2017, Embassy of India, Tokyo

Odisha State: Investment Promotion Seminar

30th October 2017 (1000-1200 hrs )

At Embassy of India, Tokyo- VCC Auditorium

On the occasion of the visit of a delegation from Odisha State in India, led by Hon’ble Minister of Industries, Mr. Niranjan Pujari, an “Investment Promotion Seminar, State of Odisha” will be held. Located in the East, facing the Bay of Bengal, Odisha is rich in natural resources including iron ore, bauxite and coal. Odisha is one of the high growth states and economic growth rate for the fiscal year of 2011 to 2016 has been 10.7% on average. It is the first state in India which reformed and privatized the power sector. With its rich resources and stable power supply, one major steel company namely Rourkela steel plant is operating in Odisha. It is also known for IT industrial cluster consisting of approximately 100 companies including Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services and Wipro. The latest information on FDI environment in Odisha will be presented in the Roadshow. You are cordially invited to participate in Investment Promotion Roadshow.

Tentative Programme

0930 – 1000 hrs


1000 – 1005 hrs

Inaugural Remarks:

Mr Raj Kumar Srivastava

Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of India, Tokyo

1005 – 1010 hrs

Opening Remarks:


1010 – 1025 hrs

Presentation on “Indian Economy Outlook”

Mr Tomofumi Nishizawa, Research Manager, Overseas Research Department, Asia and Oceania

Division, JETRO

1025 – 1030 hrs

Video on “Odisha New Opportunities

1030 – 1045 hrs

Presentation on “Investment Opportunities in Odisha”

Mr. Sanjeev Chopra, Principal Secretary, Industries, Govt. of Odisha

1045 – 1115 hrs

Experiences of companies operating in Odisha

( 3 companies )

1120– 1130 hrs


Mr. Rajesh Verma, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister of Odisha

1130 – 1145 hrs

Keynote Address:

Mr. Niranjan Pujari, Hon’ble Minister of Industries, Government of Odisha

1145 – 1155 hrs

Q & A

1155 – 1200 hrs

Vote of Thanks:

Mr Sanjay Kumar Singh, Chairman -cum -Managing Director, Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (IDCO)

1200 - 1300hrs

Networking buffet lunch

VCC Foyer, Embassy of India

Participation: Free / 150 seats

For registration: Please E-mail to marketexecutive@indembassy-tokyo.gov.in or Fax:03-3262-0560 with information of your name, designation, company name, telephone number and E-mail.

Also those who are interested to have one-to-one meeting (30/31 Oct) with the delegates from State of Odisha, please contact Mr. Suzuki. Embassy of India. Tokyo at: marketexecutive@indembassy-tokyo.gov.in / Tel: 03-3262-2391 with information of your name, designation, department, company name, e-mail and telephone number. We will be in touch with you shortly