Press Release Press Release

Press Release

Embassy of India


Press Release

Consequent upon her concurrent accreditation to the Republic of the Marshall Islands, H.E. Mrs. Deepa Gopalan Wadhwa, Ambassador of India to Japan presented her credentials to H.E. Christopher Jorebon Loeak,  President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands in Majuro today.

Earlier in the day, Ambassador Wadhwa called on H.E. Mr. Tony A. deBrum,  Minister of Foreign Affairs and presented  to him India's grant-in-aid of US$100,570.00 to the government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands for funding their first National Export Strategy. 

Later in the day Ambassador paid courtesy calls on with  H.E. Mr Hiroshi Yamamura, Minister of Public Works and Acting Minister for Resource Development and H.E. Dr. Hilda C. Heine, Minister of Education to discuss areas of potential collaboration. 

Ambassador Wadhwa also called on Honorable Donald Capelle,  Speaker of Nitijela/Parliament where she was given a tour of the Parliament building. 

Ambassador utilised the opportunity of her visit to  interact with representatives of the small local Indian community. 

21 January 2015 
The Republic of the Marshall Islands