India's Humanitarian Assistance during Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami India's Humanitarian Assistance during Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

India's Humanitarian Assistance during Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

Embassy of India

India’s humanitarian efforts post the 11 March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake (tsunami/earthquake/nuclear crisis)

  • A 46-member Indian National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) team, including a medical doctor and two paramedics, visited Japan from 26 March to 7 April 2011 and worked in close coordination with the Mayor and people of Onagawa, which was one of the worst hit areas by the earthquake/tsunami.  The NDRF team helped in retrieving seven bodies from the debris by digging the earth with bare hands out of respect for the dead, as there is a strong cultural aversion in Japan to damaging the bodies of the dead as would have occurred with the use of heavy machinery, which was highly appreciated by the local community. In addition to the professionalism exhibited by the NDRF team towards relief and rehabilitation efforts, the NDRF team was also appreciated by the local community for the cultural sensitivity exhibited in their respectful treatment of the affected people and their willingness to comply with the unfamiliar local customs and practices.
  • In response to the earthquake/tsunami, India supplied 10000 bottles of mineral water, 25000 blankets and 10 tonnes of high-energy biscuits for those affected by the disaster.
  • Within hours of the 9.0 magnitude earthquake, a round-the-clock Control Room was set up in the Embassy for rendering assistance to the Indian community in the affected areas.  A special page was created on the Embassy’s website providing information on the earthquake, tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear crisis.  The Embassy arranged for the evacuation of 30 stranded Indian nationals from the severely affected Sendai city with the assistance of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization, Japan. They were provided with emergency food and shelter before being moved to Tokyo.
  • Assistance was also extended soon after the Great East Japan Earthquake by various Japan-based Indian organizations, namely the Tokyo-based Sathya Sai Seva Organization, Universal Brotherhood in Yokohama, Indian International School in Japan, Indian restaurants in Japan and individual Indian volunteers. Within 24 hours, the Sathya Sai Seva organization mobilized volunteers and resources, which were dispatched to the severely affected areas.  They arranged for accommodation and food for the displaced people, particularly in Miyagi, Fukushima, Iwate and Ibaraki Prefectures.  The Universal Brotherhood, Yokohama raised donations amounting to Yen 44,00,000 (US$ 55,000) for providing services to the affected people.
  • ‘Embracing the World’ (ETW) founded by Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, known throughout the world as “Amma” dispatched a team to the affected areas for relief work within 48 hours of the disaster in March 2011. Amrita Heart donated an amount of US$ 1,000,000 to the Governor of Miyagi Prefecture on 16 September 2011 for Miyagi Children’s Education Fund. (‘Amrita Heart’, a non-profit organization supporting overseas humanitarian activities for the needy, volunteering for reconstruction activities and extending social service activities globally, has a significant presence in Japan. )
