Launch of Digital India Week by Hon'ble PM Launch of Digital India Week by Hon'ble PM

Launch of Digital India Week by Hon'ble PM

Launch of Digital India Week by Prime Minister of India

Digital India, a flagship programme of the Government of India aims to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. It is an umbrella programme which covers many departments with the focus on making technology central to enabling change.

A Digital India Week has been planned by the Department of Electronic & Information Technology to deliver the message of Digital India to citizens and to showcase Government’s initiatives in three key areas of (a) Digital Infrastructure as a Utility to Every Citizen (b) Governance and Services on Demand and (c) Digital Empowerment of Citizens.

The programme will be launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on July 1, 2015 at 1600 hrs IST (1930 hours Japan time). A live webcast of this event can be viewed below.
