Seminar/Session on the Social Security Agreement (SSA) on 27 September (14 September 2016) Seminar/Session on the Social Security Agreement (SSA) on 27 September (14 September 2016)

Seminar/Session on the Social Security Agreement (SSA) on 27 September (14 September 2016)

Seminar/Session on the Social Security Agreement (SSA)

1. The Social Security Agreement between India and Japan was signed in Tokyo on November 16, 2012. Both the sides completed the formalities for the Agreement which shall enter into force with effect from 1st October 2016.

2. This SSA between India and Japan would protect the interests of Indian professionals, skilled workers working in Japan by providing the following benefits:

a) Avoiding making double social security contributions: Once an SSA is signed between India and a foreign country, it exempts the Indian worker (working on short term contracts abroad) from making a social security contribution in that foreign country. This exemption is provided only if the Indian worker is covered under the social security system of India and continues to pay his/her contribution during the period of overseas contract.

b) Easy remittance of benefits (Exportability): An SSA between India and a foreign country enables the Indian worker/professional to remit his/her accumulated social security contribution made in a foreign country, in case of relocation to India/third country.

c) Aggregating the contribution periods (in two countries) to prevent loss of benefits (Totalization): An SSA allows aggregating residency periods of social security contribution made by the Indian worker / professional in India and the foreign country to qualify for retirement benefits.

3. In view of the importance of SSA and its benefits for our Indian Professionals who are working in Japan, the Embassy of India, Tokyo is organizing an interactive session in collaboration with the Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare on 27th September 2016 from 1600 hrs-1730 hrs.

4. The opening remarks will be made by H.E. Mr. Sujan R. Chinoy, Ambassador of India to Japan followed by a presentation by the Japanese Ministry Officials and a Q & A session.

5. We look forward to your presence at the SSA Seminar.

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