Visit of INS Satpura to port Majuro, Marshall Islands (13-15 August 2016) Visit of INS Satpura to port Majuro, Marshall Islands (13-15 August 2016)

Visit of INS Satpura to port Majuro, Marshall Islands (13-15 August 2016)

INS Satpura coming alongside

Captain AN Pramod calling on the President HE. Hilda C Heine

Welcome ceremony chaired by Minister of Assistance to the President Mr Mattlan Zackhras

Welcome ceremony with Minister of Assistance and Mayor of Majuro

VIP tour of the ship

Receiving the Minister of Assistance to the President

Captain AN Pramod calling on the Minister of Assistance to the President

Captain AN Pramod calling on the Speaker of Nitijela

INS Satpura coming alongside

Welcome ceremony

Welcome ceremony