Notice inviting tender for Repair & Replacement of parts of Air Conditioning system & Ventilation system of Auditorium of VCC, Embassy of India Notice inviting tender for Repair & Replacement of parts of Air Conditioning system & Ventilation system of Auditorium of VCC, Embassy of India

Notice inviting tender for Repair & Replacement of parts of Air Conditioning system & Ventilation system of Auditorium of VCC, Embassy of India

Embassy of India


 Tender Notice  

Embassy of India invites tenders for repair & replacement of parts of air conditioning system & ventilation system of Auditorium inside Chancery/ VCC premises (2-2-11, Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo). Details can be discussed during site visit. Date and time for the site visit can be arranged for the interested firms telephonically/ e-mail.  

The last date for submission of tender is 10th April, 2020.

Contact details: HOC E-mail:

Phone number: 03 3262 2391