56th National Defence College (NDC) Visit to Japan on Foreign Country Study Tour (FCST) (23-28 May 2016) 56th National Defence College (NDC) Visit to Japan on Foreign Country Study Tour (FCST) (23-28 May 2016)

56th National Defence College (NDC) Visit to Japan on Foreign Country Study Tour (FCST) (23-28 May 2016)

56th National Defence College (NDC) Visit to Japan on Foreign Country Study Tour (FCST) (23-28 May 2016)

The 56th National Defence College (NDC) Delegation led by Lt Gen NS Ghei, PVSM, AVSM**, Commandant NDC is visiting Japan from 23-28 May 2016. The NDC is a prestigious and world renowned International training institute functioning under the Ministry of Defence, India.

The delegation is comprised of 14 Senior Officers of the rank Brigadier/ Joint Secretary equivalent representing Indian Defence Forces, IPS, IDAS and Officers from Other Foreign countries to include Egypt, Afghanistan, UK and Singapore.

Lt Gen NS Ghei, PVSM, AVSM** made a Courtesy Call On to H.E. Sujan R Chinoy, Ambassador of India to Japan. The Ambassador also interacted with the delegation and gave an insight on Japan’s Strategic/ Security issues and the Indo- Japan relations.

The purpose of the proposed tour is to acquaint the Officers with a firsthand knowledge of the capability and achievements of Japan with regard to socio-political, economic, foreign policy and security issues. In addition to the meetings with dignitaries, visits to some premier Institutions/establishments as also some civil and military institutes are planned