Conferment of award to Shri N.K. Singh (10 May,2016) Conferment of award to Shri N.K. Singh (10 May,2016)

Conferment of award to Shri N.K. Singh (10 May,2016)

Press Release

Mr. N.K. Singh, an eminent former member of India’s civil service and former Parliamentarian, was today conferred the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star by His Excellency Mr. Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan at an Investiture Ceremony held at the Imperial Palace, in recognition of his many contributions to strengthening relations and promoting mutual understanding between India and Japan. Mr. N.K. Singh and other awardees also had an audience with His Majesty the Emperor of Japan.

The award citation issued acknowledged Mr. Singh’s role in developing economic relations between Japan and India and promoting Japanese investments to India over many years and his advisory role with regard to policy changes aimed to make India an attractive investment destination. Mr. Singh has actively participated in public forums, Track II Diplomacy and Advocacy and has contributed to broadening and deepening of mutual understanding between Japan and India.

Mr. N.K. Singh has held several important public positions in India in the course of his long and illustrious career. He worked on economic issues while posted at the Embassy of India in Tokyo from 1981-1985, has been a Member of Parliament of the Upper House (Rajya Sabha), and has also served as Secretary Expenditure, Secretary Revenue and as a Member of the erstwhile Planning Commission. He is a Member of the Nalanda Governing Board, Senior Member of the Advisory Board of the International High Speed Rail Association (IHRA), Japan, and Think-Tanks such as ICRIER and Aspen Institute. 



10 May 2016

