Mr. Kazuki Okimura, Counselor to President, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Director, Sakura Exchange Program in Science, called upon Ambassador H.E Shri Sujan R. Chinoy on 11 Jan 2016, to seek his support for enhancing the SAKURA Science Plan for India. (January 11, 2016, 1500hrs IST) Mr. Kazuki Okimura, Counselor to President, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Director, Sakura Exchange Program in Science, called upon Ambassador H.E Shri Sujan R. Chinoy on 11 Jan 2016, to seek his support for enhancing the SAKURA Science Plan for India. (January 11, 2016, 1500hrs IST)

Mr. Kazuki Okimura, Counselor to President, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Director, Sakura Exchange Program in Science, called upon Ambassador H.E Shri Sujan R. Chinoy on 11 Jan 2016, to seek his support for enhancing the SAKURA Science Plan for India. (January 11, 2016, 1500hrs IST)

Sakura Exchange Program in Science was started by JST in 2014 with an objective to enhance exchanges of youth between Asia and Japan in the field of science and technology. India was added to the programme from 2015. In 2016, 3 batches of high school students numbering 75, 30, & 30 are expected to visit Japan under this program during April-May 2016”.