Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) – a Government of India undertaking, has published an open tender T/T212/23/3434N/1 for " ROUNDS BAR ALLOY 783" due for opening on 01.06.2024. Tender ID on E-Procurement portal is 2024_BHEL_35531_1 Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) – a Government of India undertaking, has published an open tender T/T212/23/3434N/1 for " ROUNDS BAR ALLOY 783" due for opening on 01.06.2024. Tender ID on E-Procurement portal is 2024_BHEL_35531_1

Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) – a Government of India undertaking, has published an open tender T/T212/23/3434N/1 for " ROUNDS BAR ALLOY 783" due for opening on 01.06.2024. Tender ID on E-Procurement portal is 2024_BHEL_35531_1

Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) – a Government of India undertaking, has published an open tender T/T212/23/3434N/1 for " ROUNDS BAR ALLOY 783" due for opening on 01.06.2024. Tender ID on E-Procurement portal is 2024_BHEL_35531_1. It may be noted that the offer shall be submitted on the E-Procurement portal (NIC) only. The details of the tender along with required documents are available on websites: (NIT no 12061) (NIT no 82058).

Contact point: Mr. Tuhin Kanti Dey, Manager/PPX-T, Haridwar (Uttarakhand), India – 249403

Tel.- +91-1334-281183, Mobile:- +91-9491633893, E-mail:-